Sunday, April 22, 2012

Colleges facing increased litigation from both the accused and accusers in sexual assault cases

The Boston Globe published an interesting article on Saturday about the competing demands on institutes of higher education caused by sex-related crimes. On the one hand, institutions face liability from female victims when their policies do not sufficiently protect students from such attacks. On the other hand, accused male students are now beginning to file claims of gender discrimination based on the theory that such policies are biased against male students. This isn't an employment discrimination issue, of course, but it's indicative of the difficulties that decision-makers and employers face in balancing the rights of employees who allege harassment and discrimination versus the rights of the accused.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This isn't an employment discrimination issue, of course, but it's indicative of the difficulties that decision-makers and employers face in balancing the rights of employees who allege harassment and discrimination versus the rights of the accused. employment lawyer Glasgow
